The Seven Traits of Our Great Church
St. Michael Parish ~ Fort Erie
(click on the headings below)
A Reliance on PRAYER
Are you struggling, need support, want prayers for someone you love. We can pray with you or for you.
Click here for prayer requests »
5 simple ways for you to pray daily. Connecting prayer to your real life experiences. Pick one and offer your thoughts and intentions up to God. HE is always listening.
A Leadership Team
St. Michael's is committed to serving people. That takes VISION, LEADERSHIP, FINANCES and COMMITMENT. We care about making others (and that means you) and our community a loving example of great people. Are you in for making a difference and helping people in our church and in our Fort Erie community? (Click here) At the very least, we ask you to please pray for us!
Father Patrick - Vision, Preaching, Serving, Sacraments
Carmel Van Brussell - ALPHA and CONNECT GROUPS
Ann Kingston - Office
Michael Masi - Building Custodian and Grounds Keeping
Monica Byrne and Genevieve Mosse - LECTORS
Robin Vassalo and John Van Brussell - HOSPITALITY and USHERS
Taryn Scholtens and Pam Lafranca - FAMILY MINISTRY and CHILDREN's GOSPEL LESSONS
Tina Ianniello and Vince Cottone - LITURGICAL ENVIRONMENT (decorating)
Julie Kunka-Perrotta - CHOIR MINISTRY and PRAISE AND WORSHIP Singers/Musicians
Maddison House - YOUTH MINISTRY
St. Vincent de Paul - Cathy Mindorff-Facca
Knights of Columbus - Jack Schaerer
Catholic Women's League - Theresa Murphy
A Clear Vision

5. We hunger for meaning and purpose in our lives.
4. We need God’s forgiveness and healing for our failings and God’s mercy to help us become better people.
3. Our families need to be built on a strong foundation of faith and we need to live in community with others.
2. We have the Sacraments—and we especially long for the Eucharist.
The Sunday Experience

Celebrate Christ with us!
Due to COVID19. GREY ZONE LOCKDOWN – currently no in-person Masses. Join us online every Sunday. Daily Masses may soon be offered virtually as well. The church is open for personal prayer time- please contact office ( 905-871-6092) if you would like to come in to sit or pray. Please note: MASKS must be worn, only 10 people allowed on church property at a time, social distancing is required.
Coming soon… Live Streaming
Compelling Formation
Catholic ChristianOutreach
A dynamic, interactive, reflective study resource. Hosted by our own parishioners. Small group model.
Every single person should have the chance to say “yes” to Jesus.
This resource will support our post ALPHA graduates. This resource supports our Parish renewal strategies and helps to continue to build a culture of prayer, team and discipleship. It intentionally focuses on creating an environment of intentional accompaniment; forming missionary disciples; and creating the momentum of a multiplying movement to all interested in MAKING A DIFFERENCE in our Parish, homes and Community.
Small Group Discipleship
Join a Connect Group! Connect Groups are mid-sized home groups of 15-35 people who have completed Alpha. Meet every two weeks, (during this time it is online). Everyday people join in fellowship and faith discussion. It is a chance for you to feel known, loved and cared for in a way that could never happen if it was simply up to the priest. Amazing things happen in Connect Groups.
Designed as a follow-up to an Alpha session, but now open to all even without the Alpha experience, CONNECT GROUPS offer a chance for continued fellowship and faith sharing. The environment is friendly and informal and meets regularly (on-line at this time) to establish a sense of community and care for every participant. JOIN US – fill out the form on our website and we will get back to you. YOU CAN JOIN NOW – there is on ongoing support system with no start or stop date. You can also call Ann in our office at 905-871-0692 for more info.
Missionary Zeal
Formula for Evangelization - LOVE VIDEO »
100 Ways to EVANGELIZE
1. Be all in love with Jesus.
2. Take your children to Mass.
3. Know your Parish Mission and vision and support it, pray for it, get involved in it.
4. Pray before you eat–especially in public.
5. Post about your faith
6. Sponsor a child and write them letters.
7. Adopt a child
8. Invite someone to go to confession with you–offer to take him to dinner afterwards to sweeten the deal.
9. Read the Catechism. The whole thing.
10. Take your baby to visit the residents at a nursing home.
11. Sign up for a holy hour in the middle of your prime social time. Then when you leave the bar or the football game to head off to pray, invite people to join you. You’ll be amazed what happens.
12. Call someone who’s hurting.
13. Take a picnic lunch to an area with a large homeless population.
14. Do some street evangelization.
15. Invite your priest over for dinner. Community strengthens them for their ministry.
16. Celebrate your kids' feast days and baptismal anniversaries. Make their memories of being Catholic joyful celebrations.
17. Share a Bible verse on Twitter.
18. Have your wedding in a beautiful Church with incredible, transcendent music. Your non-Catholic guests will be struck by a stunning liturgy.
19. Invite college students living far from home to spend Sunday dinner with your family.
20. Start a Bible study at Starbucks.
21. Abstain from meat on Fridays and don’t be afraid to mention it when people are picking a restaurant.
22. Ask your brother why he stopped going to Church.
23. Beg for grace.
24. Tell your coworker about God.
25. "Do it with gentleness and reverence."
26. Help at youth group.
27. Be a brilliant scientist.
28. Don’t respond to suffering with platitudes.
29. Do your daily Bible reading on your commute. It gives your neighbor an opportunity to ask.
30. When catching up with a friend, ask "How can I pray for you?"
31. Step outside your comfort zone.
32. Teach your children to say Hail Mary when passing a church for those souls who may depart on that day.
33. Listen to your children.
34. Smile more.
35. Cross yourself when you pass a church.
36. If you know someone who's sitting on the fence, be frank. Ask them if you can have 15 minutes to present a case for the Church.
37. Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know.
38. Bake cookies for prisoners.
39. Pay the toll for the person behind you. Ask the toll booth attendant to tell him you said, "Have a blessed day."
40. Offer to go door to door inviting people to church.
41. Wear a beautiful piece of religious jewelry. When people compliment you on it, take it as an invitation to give a quick testimony.
42. Tell people about the Saint of the day.
43. Weep with those who weep.
44. Take a friend to an art museum. Hit up the Renaissance section and explain what’s going on with all the Saints and Bible scenes. Think of all the catechesis!
45. Call a friend out on unchristian behaviour.
46. Go to confession.
47. Introduce yourself to people you see at church.
48. Learn to pray extemporaneously.
49. Invite a fellow parishioner to dinner.
50. When a friend is suffering, have a Mass said for him.
51. Change your language–say "God bless you" instead of "Bless you," "Praise God" instead of "Thank God." See if it doesn’t start some interesting conversations.
52. Don’t judge.
53. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
54. Read Catechism 2125.
55. Fast and pray for missionaries.
56. Buy a dozen copies of your favourite Christian book. Give them away.
57. Invite someone to Mass.
58. "Never let evil talk pass your lips; say only the good things people need to hear, things that will really help them."
59. Dress modestly but look awesome.
60. Have friends who aren't Christian. Don’t try to convert them. Just love them.
61. Make beautiful Christian art–poetry, photography, music, sculpture. Give glory to God and draw hearts to him.
62. Never use apologetics as a weapon. If you get angry, take a step back.
63. Ask someone to pray for you–even if he or she is not the type who would offer.
64. When you receive communion, act like you really believe, like you're really in love. Your attitude will touch people around you and you'll find your faith strengthened. It's more about living what you believe even when you don't feel it than it is about faking it, and the more you live it, the more you'll feel it.
65. Take a friend out for a coffee/tea. Hang out. Just be friends.
66. Bear wrongs patiently.
67. Ask people's forgiveness.
68. When you find yourself judging someone for not being Christian/Catholic or not being a "good”" Christian/Catholic, make a list of five things about that person that make her a better person than you.
69. Remember that you can't know the state of anyone's soul.
70. Have friends over for a movie night - care with your choices.
71. "Live a life of such love so as to be a reason to believe."
72. Give your godchildren (and nieces and nephews and young friends) good Christian books.
73. Give away CDs by your favourite Christian artists – I recommend MercyMe, Matt Maher.
74. Be completely present to everyone who's talking to you.
75. Memorize Bible verses about God's mercy and love.
76. Volunteer to be an RCIA sponsor.
77. Tell your kids stories about the Saints–find real heroes to be their role models.
78. Love people where they are.
79. Put beautiful sacred art up in your house.
80. Put beautiful secular art up in your house. Listen to good secular music, read good secular fiction. In the world but not of it, friends.
81. Study philosophy.
82. Share powerful Christian articles on Facebook. Don’t share lame or cheesy stuff.
83. Be a sponsor couple for marriage prep.
84. Do things you don't expect to like to show people you're willing to be open-minded too.
85. Donate to a Catholic Ministry programs–they do some incredible things.
86. When bringing non-Catholics to Mass, explain to them beforehand why they can't receive. Be delicate.
87. Refuse to let awkwardness stand in your way.
88. Don't act like your life is perfect with Christ–be real about your struggles.
89. Be real about the joy too.
90. Talk as much about Jesus as you do about your favourite team or band.
91. Take a family rosary walk around the neighbourhood on Sunday evenings. Evangelize your kids and your neighbours at the same time.
92. Join a Parish Ministry team
93. It's easy sometimes to win an argument and lose a soul. Don't be afraid to back down when it becomes more about winning and less about truth and love.
95. Don't be a hypocrite.
96. Pray for non-believers.
97. Pray more than you talk.
98. Ask the Holy Spirit to work in you.
99. Remember that you don't have all the answers.
100. Pray, love, then get out of the way.