Parish Outreach
Click the group name you would like to explore below.
We have people who are willing to pray with or for you for whatever need you may be experiencing or to simply share in giving thanks for God’s blessings. If you require prayer at this time, or perhaps you wish to be a member of the prayer team (we call them Prayer Warriors) please fill out our form online.

Under construction, but if YOU are in need call the Parish Office.
This ministry is one of important accompaniment. It strives to meet the needs of anyone who has experienced death or loss and are in the throes of grieving. PLEASE CALL US if you are in need at this time. We can also provide comfort and assistance for anyone trying to organize a funeral liturgy. CALL US – we want to walk with you in this process 905-871-0692.

Available – feeling down, overwhelmed, anxious?
St. Michael’s Parish can offer you some support for issues that have you feeling overwhelmed and under stress. Call Ann at the office and she will provide you with further contact information for a confidential and supportive experience 905-871-0692.

(* COVID-19 has put this on HOLD)
Taking care of the sick serves Christ himself in the suffering members of his Mystical Body. We do this by visiting those in poor health and hospitalized, or by visiting those who are homebound or in senior residences and could nourish them with the Eucharist. This Ministry requires training, so if you are interested in serving in this area, please contact the office and Ann will provide you with further details 905-871-0692.

Our Family Ministry and Hospitality Team is all about welcoming everyone to our church and community. Currently we are considering the development of a parish “Welcome Wagon” to welcome new families, new to the area, new to our Country with a welcome basket and ministry booklet, introducing them to the ministries of the Parish and some of its members.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international voluntary organization in the Catholic Church, founded in 1833 for the sanctification of its members by personal service and reaching out to those who require basic life supplies. St. Vincent de Paul wishes to give a heartfelt thank you to all who are able to support us financially. Donations are always welcomed. Please contact Ann in our church office if you wish to make a donation (905-871-6092).

Recessed until FALL
The K of C is a fraternal organization dedicated to promoting and conducting educational, charitable, religious and social welfare works. If you are interested in becoming a member, please call Ann at the Parish Office at 905-871-0692.

St. Michael’s CWL is a place where the Catholic ladies of our parish can support and promote Catholic values through FAITH, SERVICE and SOCIAL JUSTICE.
All women of our parish are encouraged to become a member- there is an annual membership donation of $35.00. This money is used to support FAITH experiences for the members, SERVICE to people in our community who need our help and SOCIAL JUSTICE which begins with our members learning and growing in an understanding of this Catholic calling.
- IT IS TIME TO BEGIN to COLLECT MEMBERSHIPS- PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ACTiVE and LOVING LOCAL CWL with your membership. You do not have to become an active and participating member- if meetings are not for you, your membership dues help those who are with our local and global charity initiatives.1. Use a plain envelope (or a blue CWL one – not mandatory but some might have them), and clearly mark your name, “CWL MEMBERSHIP,” address and phone number and put it in the collection basket that is available for the weekend masses.
- DO the same as above and drop it off to ANN in the office during office hours. 905-871-0692
- Contact us at 905-871-6034 and ask for someone to pick your membership up.
IF you are a member, someone will be contacting you in the future to invite you to continue to support the work of our CWL at the very least through your membership dues. THANK YOU.