Children's Liturgy

Liturgy of the Word for Children will resume on Sunday, Oct. 2, during the 10 AM Mass.
What is Liturgy of the Word for Children?
Children’s Liturgy is about breaking open the Word of God for young people so that they can understand it.
Parents – This is our gift to you. Let our teachers spend this hour with your children while you can comfortably and fully participate in the Mass without carrying the added burden of worrying about their “behaviour” that may distract you during Mass.
Let our Children’s Liturgy “teachers” spend the hour engaging with your kids – bringing FAITH and FUN together. Yes, we said FUN with the word FAITH as your children build a relationship with Jesus and make engage with other faith filled friends each Sunday.
The children are invited into their own sacred space (our Hospitality Room) where the Gospel is proclaimed in simple language so they can understand the stories and teachings of Jesus. There is a time for discussion and questions- fellowship- craft- music – and JOY. Masks are optional
All children ages 4 to Gr. 2 are invited to join. (they do not have to be baptized) If there are any slightly older siblings in your family- they too can join – they may even be a big help for the instructors.
Pam Lafranca at: is available if you have any questions. There is a registration form required. There is no cost but we need to collect some basic contact information for the children who participate.