Mass intentions refer to the particular purpose for which a specific Mass is offered. This may be to honor God or thank him for blessings received. But technically a Mass intention means that the sacrifice is offered for some person who has died. A list for each week will be posted inside the front entrance doors starting Nov. 2, 2020.  If you would like to have a Mass offered for a deceased loved one, please contact Ann at the office for more information at 905-871-0692.


Apr. 29th – May 5th

Monday, April 29th St. Catherine of Siena
8:30a.m. Vittoria Sicurella
Tuesday, April 30th St. Marie De L’Incarnation
8:30a.m. Tullio Pontello
Wednesday, May 1st
9:30a.m. Catherine Mindorff – Facca
Thursday, May 2nd St. Athanasius
8:30a.m. Maria Salfie
Friday, May 3rd St. Philip & St. James
8:30a.m. Ethyl & Jerry Perdue
9:00a.m. Holy Hour

Saturday, May 4th
5:00p.m. Intentions of the Parish
Sunday, May 5th
10:00a.m. Carlo Rossi