Parish Life & Community Building
Family Ministry is a committee that works to build and support our family community through interaction in faith. We focus on activities that engage and strengthen parents/guardians, children, youth, adults and families in growing as a faith community through a close and loving partnership with our parish. Very simply put, Family Ministry Team is working for YOU because we want to share the love of God that has been poured into our hearts.
Click the group name you would like to explore below.

ALPHA – currently online – JOIN US
Alpha is organized as a series over a number of weeks that includes discussion about important life issues in small groups where you will feel welcome and a part of community. The talks aim to cover the basic beliefs of the Christian faith. A friendly, non-judgemental environment is established, and all are welcome to join (Christian or non-Christian; Believers or non-believers). If you are interested in our next on-line session please fill out the form on our website. We will get back to you with more information about the next session. LOOKING FORWARD to welcoming you to our ALPHA session.

Designed as a follow-up to an Alpha session, but now open to all even without the Alpha experience, CONNECT GROUPS offer a chance for continued fellowship and faith sharing. The environment is friendly and informal and meets regularly (on-line at this time) to establish a sense of community and care for every participant. JOIN US – fill out the form on our website and we will get back to you. YOU CAN JOIN NOW – there is on ongoing support system with no start or stop date. You can also call Ann in our office at 905-871-0692 for more info.
The mission of the FAMILY MINISTRY TEAM is to serve the diversity of needs of modern families. For example, they may host social events to foster a sense of parish community. They may REACH OUT to serve families in a variety of ways. If anyone in the parish would like to join our group, we would love to have you! This is an excellent opportunity to meet and welcome new people and connect with old friends and to help each other as our families grow. Call us in the office (905-871-0692) and Ann will get you started.
MAILING TEAM – (* on hold during COVID-19)
“The Holy Stuffers” are sometimes called upon when extra hands are needed to stuff envelopes, fold letters, mail schedules or brochures during the liturgical year. If you are interested in helping, give ANN a call at the Parish Office – 905-871-0692
At this point, this ministry beginning to develop. Stay tuned! It will be designed to host regularly gatherings of youth to support their participation in numerous social, educational, community and faith service programs.